My current deck furniture situation is okay when it’s just me sitting out there, but there is a shortage of surfaces capable of holding a drink. A situation that gets awkward quickly when I sit out there with my friends. So Saturday I made a trip to Picker’s Pig Pen to see if I could find anything that would work. Well wait until you see how great this TV stand looks after I got done with it.

This is what I started with, an old TV cart that was probably from the 70’s. I always have a hard time picking the right decade, because we kept stuff forever in my family. It had the walnut colored fake wood grain mactac, and the shelves were masonite imitating walnut. But as rusty as it was, it was solid, more solid than any thing I’ve bought new lately.
So I grabbed a bucket of hot water and Mr. Clean and scoured away as much of the rust as I could. Then I spray-painted the metal – fake wood-grain stickers and all – with antique gold spray paint. I am pretty hit and miss when it comes to my spray painting skills, but this time I nailed it. Honestly I kept staring at that frame all night.
But I still had to do something about the ‘walnut’ shelves. One was too warped to use, but I spray-painted the other one in a color to match my plastic Adirondack chairs – Rustoleum ‘Aqua’.
It did not look good with the gold-colored frame at all!
I had seen an article where someone decoupaged a table top and it looked awesome. So I dug through my fabric stash, and tried Mod Podge for the first time in my life. Because it was my first time using it, there are no step by step pictures for this one. I had a hard time just keeping up with how quickly the Mod Podge was drying in the heat, but the link above will take you to some pretty clear instructions. I sprayed it with a Matte finish sealer once it was dry so we will see how well it holds up to the weather.
Check out my new Tea Table!
There’s plenty of room for a tray of tea things now, even with my plants on there!
A bottom shelf for tucking away anything I’ve piled beside my chair when company comes.
I really need to decide if I’m going to keep the mirror frame on the deck. It looked fabulous when it still had chippy white paint on it, but all the chippy paint has chipped away to nothing.
You can still see the fake wood grain if you look closely.
I just love this happy bright apple-green fabric.
The melamine TV tray from the 90’s in the first picture is coming up this week, and trust me it was a DIY that started out so flipping awesome until everything, and I mean everything including random bird poop, started to go wrong.
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