Meteor Shower Verbena is a new plant and a new type of plant from Proven Winners. I’ve seen it here and there at garden centers and the more I see it the more I like it.
It’s a Verbena Bonariensis bred for a more compact habit. Suggested for sun to part sun, it’s still a tall plant reaching 20-30″ in height. I like the way the blooms sit so far above the foliage, almost as if suspended above the plant. It seems to take away some of the gawkiness such a tall plant could otherwise have in a planter.
Meteor Shower in my own yard
Inspired by the planter above, I made the leap and bought one for myself.
I had some Success petunias, 3 each of Coral, Pink Vein and Pink Chiffon, and was having a hard time finding a spot that was sunny enough for them. I’ve tucked the coral into the edge of the veggie bed behind. Then planted the Pink Vein and Pink Chiffon with the Meteor Shower along with some Ipomea, or sweet potato vine.
This is a big pot to fill, so for the sweet potato vine I used two. They are the Sweet Georgia series from Green Fuse and much less aggressive than most Ipomea, definitely less vigorous than the Proven Winners variety shown in the first photo. My usual luck with petunia is to have them either die out or get a bit bald at the top towards August, hopefully the foliage from the Ipomea will keep the planter looking attractive.
At the moment the verbena is a gawky looking plant indeed, but soon enough the veggie plants from the garden behind will provide a backdrop and the other plants in the planter will fill in around it.
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