It’s Sunday and what a glorious Sunday it is! We’ve had sunny skies all weekend and no rain in the forecast until overnight. I don’t even care that we’re in the midst of the 3rd plague of summer and poplar fuzz is coming down like snow.
If you’re wondering the 1st plague is those little bugs that look like mosquitoes and poop green specks all over everything, the 2nd is maple keys. Fourth is May flies. After the 4th plague I usually wash my siding.
So about that funny story…
Yesterday I was up bright and early, 5:30 am because middle age is waking up when you don’t need to be awake. First stop, as always, the bathroom. No glasses, no phone I hadn’t even had coffee or a swig of Diet Pepsi – don’t judge me. All was well until I tried to leave the bathroom to start the coffee maker. The doorknob was turning, but it wasn’t doing anything!
So apparently the guts of the doorknob are stripped or broken somewhere, and I’m locked in the bathroom. It felt like an episode of Scooby Doo or I Love Lucy! Both boys are still sleeping – like sensible people on a Saturday. I have no glasses on, so everything is just a random blur, but I figure I’ll be fine because I always have tools in the bathroom.
But nope, not this time. What I had was one of those miniature electronics screwdrivers and a pair of those flimsy barber scissors that they throw in with men’s beard trimmers. The truly lucky part was a spare pair of readers in one of the vanity drawers.
And that was how I came to be MacGuyvering my way out of the bathroom at 6 am with a pair of flimsy barber scissors.
Pickers Pig Pen!
Early in the morning yesterday I made a run to Pickers Pig Pen. I have a couple of things I found there that you’ll see later, but I can show you one thing now.
I found this black table base! Steel and very solid it’s perfect. I had been planning to make a small stand for my miter saw. Usually we end up hauling it from the shed to the front deck and it’s heavy and awkward to carry. Plus working on the deck isn’t ideal because there’s always something in the way. Truly, clutter follows me wherever I go and the deck is no exception.
My oldest boy tends to have clutter too, and I used some of his clutter to make a top for the table base. Two pressure treated 2x6x10′ cut down to 5′ made a 4′ x 5′ top, and a couple of cement pavers made a solid footing for underneath the legs. I do need to get some sand to level the ground under the pavers, but the table works perfectly for what I needed. You can tell by the sawdust I’ve already used it. Some gravel pathways are a part of next years garden goals and that will take care of the muddy ground to the front of the bench.
In Other News…
Houseplants have been moved outside for the summer, and not a moment too soon. My Peace Lily was looking pretty sad before the move. The house is bare without them, but there’s just not enough light indoors in the summer to keep them healthy.
Most of the planting is done but I did grab a flat of white begonia to add to the new back garden. I think they will look quite showy with the dark soil. If you missed my post on that earlier this week you can see it here – The Back Garden, Mostly Done. I still have a couple of planters to finish and show you, those will come later this week.
For now, I have to head off to the grocery store. I would love to put it off until Monday but we’re on our last roll of toilet paper so that’s not happening. I can always pull a meal together with what’s on hand but toilet paper is a necessity that can’t wait.
Have a great Sunday!